
the fair

the fair finally came back to town! i am not big on the fair and my attention span (for the fair) is just as long as the girls'...so it all works out!
merry go round. the snake~ i HATE snakes. if i see them i dream about them...and they are never good dreams! alexa touched it but was not at all into it. jossy on the other hand...well look for yourself

the petting zoo...the worst part of the fair! luckily, they do not allow strollers so i waited outside with the sanitizer

drinking honey sticks

tink is very into accessories!
deciding where to go
all in all it was a great day at the fair!

1 comment:

Michawn said...

oh my gosh...i loved the part about the petting zoo and the sanitizer. it makes me feel a bit better to know that i'm not totally alone in my actions.