she keeps telling us stories about when she was 3...too funny!
our little jossy came out of the womb spirited and continues to be so. we love her so much and she brings so much joy and laughter to our house. with alexa is school, she is the big'gest' sister at our house 3 days a week and loves it. she is growing so big and smart and she loves jesus with all her heart!
jossy we love you and are so proud of you. we could not imagine our life without you! you are so perfect at being who god created you to be!
i will leave you with a joss story!
andre and i really want to replace our bath tub with a nice, big, jetted one. i was telling the girls about it and told them we needed to pray and ask god for the money. joss said, 'let's pray now' so we did. when we were done she said, 'okay, we prayed now let's go buy it!'. that obviously led to another discussion!
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