alexa has been complaining the last few days about her teeth hurting. i kept telling her i'd look, but kept forgetting. so today while brushing teeth she said they hurt. i looked and guess what i saw...2 permanent teeth growing behind her bottom front teeth! so weird and have never seen that before. she is very excited. i called the dentist and she said it was pretty normal and we are getting it all checked out on thursday.
alexa was so excited and has been telling everyone about it. the woman at the library asked her about the tooth fairy...she of course looked at the woman like she had 14 heads! so, we need to figure that out.
HAHAHA. that is cute! We don't do the tooth fairy. I had to give Alex something fun so we created the tooth angel. The angel that comes to collect old teeth and bring them to heaven *LOL*. of course the day of TRUTH always comes... so it's generally better not to get yourself in that situation to begin with. I don't always think things through to the end very well. *lol*
grady's did that too. and lots of my little cousins. we just waited for a while and it eventually came out without any problem. weird how that was just last year, but i hardly even remember it. anyway, the permanent tooth (or teeth...can't remember if it was both bottom teeth or just one) was kind of back a bit...not in line with his other teeth. but, within hours of his baby tooth coming out, the permanent tooth shifted and got into place in line with his others. so weird.
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